Is it really possible to suck moisture out of desert air?

Yes, it actually is possible to pull moisture out of air—even dry desert air. This process was demonstrated by Edward Linacre from the Swinburne University of Technology. Linacre uses biomimicry to imitate the Namib beetle. This beetle lives in deserts that often receive as little as half an inch of rain per year. The beetle is able to survive in such dry climates by capturing condensed moisture on its back during the cool morning. The beetle has a hydrophilic surface on its back, which essentially catches or snags particles of water that are blowing by on the cool breeze. These molecules then gather other molecules and eventually grow into water droplets.
The device that was designed and built by Linacre uses these same principles to condense moisture from the dry air, and then release it into the ground for plants. Linacre’s device has been shown to produce as much as 11.5 milliliters per cubic meter of air circulates. This process can be slightly altered to deposit condensed water vapor into a bucket or other device to provide clean drinking water. The project was an entry into a contest for the James Dyson Award. Linacre received $14,000 from Dyson. Swinburne University of Technology also received $14,000 as an award for this device.
Brian O’Neill